Our Strategy
The ACT is an Australian government approved higher education provider, leading and fostering a robust consortium of independent affiliated colleges, which actively engage in scholarship and collaborate in the provision of theological education.
The ACT’s chief purpose is to collaborate with its affiliated colleges to equip people to faithfully serve God’s church and God’s world primarily by the provision of quality-assured courses in theology and ministry.
The ACT provides an accredited, quality assured curriculum and specialist administrative support to enable affiliates to achieve efficient, cost effective delivery of theological education.
Objects of the ACT Constitution
The objects of ACT are to foster and direct the systematic study of theology and other disciplines related to Christian ministry, thought and practice, primarily through Affiliated Colleges which act consistently with the Christian Foundation of ACT, by:
(a) teaching and research in a manner and at a level comparable to the standards of Australian universities;
(b) awarding higher education qualifications equivalent to awards offered in Australian universities, and delivering the related courses in a variety of modes;
(c) engaging in student-centred teaching and learning that advances knowledge, encourages freedom of speech and academic freedom, and enhances the pursuit of vocational excellence;
(d) facilitating each Affiliated College’s realisation of the full potential of its formational, educative and scholarly endeavour;
(e) fostering and enhancing a culture of research and scholarship that leads to new knowledge and original creative endeavour;
(f) promoting the study of theology and other disciplines related to Christian ministry, thought and practice in the wider community;
(g) enhancing the higher education status of ACT; and
(h) underpinning these objects of ACT through governance, procedural rules, policies, financial arrangements and planning, and quality assurance processes which are sufficient to ensure the academic integrity of ACT’s learning and teaching activities, and research.
Our Colleges
The ACT as a Consortium of affiliated colleges
The Australian College of Theology operates through a confessionally diverse, national network of Bible and theological colleges delivering the awards of the College on its behalf.
Colleges affiliated with the Australian College of Theology are represented at all levels of ACT governance. Affiliated colleges are in a consortium which exists to strengthen all members. The affiliation relationship between a college and the ACT is expressed in the Institutional Approval Criteria and an Affiliation Agreement signed by each affiliated college and the Board of Directors, the governing body of the ACT.