Trinity Without Hierarchy: Reclaiming Nicene Orthodoxy in Evangelical Theology edited by Michael Bird & Scott Harrower
A defense of equality among the persons of the Trinity
In response to those complementarian theologians who assert that the Son is eternally subordinate to the Father, the contributors to Trinity Without Hierarchy contend that this view misconstrues the orthodox doctrine of the Trinity and reduces the Son to a lower level of glory and majesty than the Father. Surveying Scripture, church history, and theology, sixteen contributors present a defense of the full and equal authority of all three members of the Trinity while critiquing approaches that border on semi-Arianism. In particular, the creedal confessions of Nicaea are upheld as the historical standard by which any proposed Trinitarian doctrine should be judged.
While some contributors hold complementarian and others egalitarian viewpoints, all agree that Trinitarian relations are not a proper basis for understanding gender roles. Trinity Without Hierarchy is indispensable reading for anyone interested in the current debate over the relationship between Trinitarian theology and the roles of men and women.
About the editors:
Michael Bird is Academic Dean and Lecturer in Theology at Ridley College, Melbourne.
Scott Harrower is Lecturer in Christian Thought at Ridley College, Melbourne.
Other ACT contributor:
John McClean is Vice-Principal and Lecturer in Christian Thought of Christ College, Sydney.