The Righteous Judgment of God: Aspects of Judgment in Paul’s Letters by John Coulson
Coulson, John, The Righteous Judgment of God: Aspects of Judgment in Paul’s Letters, Wipf & Stock, 2016.
This book seeks to fill a gap on the important topic of God’s judgment. It is written for Christians who desire to have a biblical worldview that helps them to live faithfully for Jesus Christ. It investigates what the apostle Paul has to say in his letters about God’s judgment. The worldview that emerges is one that must not be ignored: of judgment as fundamental to our human life as Adam’s descendants, of God’s judgment at work in the world today, and of the final judgment as the certain future for every person. At the centre is the decisive judgment of our sin in Christ at the cross, which is God’s answer to our judgment problem. For each of these four aspects of judgment, key questions are considered, with the central question being, “How do we live in the light of this truth?”
“The book addresses the serious imbalance in much Christian teaching, preaching, and witness on judgment and salvation. Coulson’s pauses for thought throughout this book are always helpful challenges. I know of no other work in this area that has produced such an easy read and enormous turnaround for our day and generation.”
–Bruce Winter, Senior Research Fellow in Ancient History, Macquarie University; Visiting Fellow, St Edmund’s College, University of Cambridge
About the author: John R. Coulson is Deputy Principal and Lecturer in Bible at Brisbane School of Theology in Australia. He has been lecturing in biblical studies since 1997.