Burning or Bushed: the Presbyterian Church of Australia 40 years on edited by Paul F. Cooper and David A. Burke
Burning or Bushed examines the life of the Presbyterian Church of Australia and how it has fared in the 40 years since the momentous events of Church Union in 1977. It was from a burning bush that Moses was addressed by God. Is the Presbyterian Church still like that burning bush, a place where God is found to be speaking and calling people to serve him? Has it gained increased clarity of purpose since 1977, and is it giving a clear and effective witness to the revelation of God in Jesus Christ? Or has it lost its way? Is it bushed and directionless, worn out and waiting to pass away? Or is it still on fire for the Lord and his work? This book of essays seeks to address these questions.
About the editors:
Paul F. Cooper is a Research Fellow at Christ College, Sydney.
David A. Burke is Ministry & Practice Lecturer at Christ College, Sydney.