NT002-812 - The Early New Testament Church
2,976 Standard Tuition Fee
12Credit Points
0.125 EFT
8AQF level
Category foundational unitA
new testamentUnit Discipline
It is not permitted to enrol in this unit concurrently with NT003.Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, students willA. Know and understand
1. Demonstrate Advanced knowledge and understanding of the contents, themes and theology of the Book of Acts and of major New Testament Epistles.
B. Be able to
1. Critically analyse:
a) the history, themes, theology and narrative presented in the Book of Acts; and
b) the contents, themes and theology of selected New Testament Epistles
2. Evaluate key developments and emerging patterns in the beginnings and expansion of the early church
3. Investigate Evidence-based perspectives on major themes and theology of the Book of Acts and of selected New Testament Epistles
C. Be in a position to
Apply knowledge and Critical thinking skills and perspectives from The Early New Testament Church to contemporary Christian living and ministry contexts
Section A
The beginnings and expansion of the church as reflected in the New Testament documents, with special attention to the Acts of the Apostles. Topics to be covered include:
1. The Jerusalem church.
2. Early Christian preaching.
3. Stephen and the Hellenists.
4. The Pauline mission and churches.
5. The Council of Jerusalem.
6. Schism, heresy and external threat in the early church.
Section B
The main issues confronted in and the teaching of at least seven major New Testament epistles.
Note: Both Section A and Section B should be weighted at not less than 25% of the content and assessment.
Set Readings
This unit's indicative bibliography is currently being revised. Students should contact their home college for further details at the time of taking this unit.
Fitzmyer, J. A., The Acts of the Apostles (New York: Anchor, Doubleday, 1997).
Hengel, M., Acts and the History of Earliest Christianity (repr; Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2003).
Marshall, I. H. and D. Peterson (eds), Witness to the Gospel: The Theology of Acts (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998).
Schnabel, E. J., Early Christian Mission, Vol 2: Paul and the Early Church (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2004).
Winter, B. W. (Gen. Ed.), Book of Acts in its First Century Setting (6 Vols; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1993-1996).
Witherington, B., The Acts of the Apostles: A Socio–Rhetorical Commentary (Carlisle: Paternoster, 1998).
Woods, E. J., The ‘Finger of God’ and Pneumatology in Luke–Acts (Sheffield: SAP, 2001).
Wright, N.T. and M. Bird. The New Testament in its World. Rapids: Zondervan, 2019
Goulder, M., St Peter Verses St Paul: A Tale of Two Missions (Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1995).
Hemer, C. J., The Book of Acts in the Setting of Hellenistic History (ed. By C.H. Gempf; Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1990).
Spencer, F. S., The Portrait of Philip in Acts: A Study of Roles and Relations (Sheffield: JSOT, 1992).
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Bible College of South Australia23/07/202416/08/202430/11/2024On CampusEnquire
Brisbane School of Theology12/07/202416/08/202408/11/2024On CampusEnquire
Brisbane School of Theology12/07/202416/08/202408/11/2024Off CampusEnquire
Chinese Theological College Australia24/07/202430/08/202416/11/2024On CampusEnquire
Christ College22/07/202430/08/202429/11/2024On CampusEnquire
Christ College22/07/202430/08/202429/11/2024Off CampusEnquire
Melbourne School of Theology22/07/202430/08/202415/11/2024On CampusEnquire
Melbourne School of Theology22/07/202430/08/202415/11/2024Off CampusEnquire
Melbourne School of Theology - Chinese Department01/07/202430/08/202430/11/2024BlendedEnquire
Melbourne School of Theology - Chinese Department01/07/202430/08/202430/11/2024Off CampusEnquire
Morling - Perth22/07/202416/08/202408/11/2024On CampusEnquire
Morling College22/07/202416/08/202408/11/2024On CampusEnquire
Morling College22/07/202416/08/202408/11/2024Off CampusEnquire
Presbyterian Theological College15/07/202413/09/202429/11/2024On CampusEnquire
Presbyterian Theological College15/07/202413/09/202429/11/2024Off CampusEnquire
Queensland Theological College08/07/202416/08/202430/11/2024On CampusEnquire
Queensland Theological College08/07/202416/08/202430/11/2024Off CampusEnquire
Reformed Theological College01/07/202430/08/202430/11/2024On CampusEnquire
Ridley College15/07/202406/08/202401/11/2024Off CampusEnquire
Sydney Missionary & Bible College15/07/202416/08/202425/11/2024On CampusEnquire
Sydney Missionary & Bible College15/07/202416/08/202425/11/2024Off CampusEnquire
Sydney Missionary & Bible College02/09/202401/10/202414/12/2024Intensive On-CampusEnquire
Trinity College Queensland16/07/202416/08/202402/10/2024On CampusEnquire
Trinity College Queensland16/07/202416/08/202402/10/2024Off CampusEnquire
Trinity Theological College16/07/202416/08/202412/11/2024On CampusEnquire
Trinity Theological College16/07/202416/08/202412/11/2024Directed Study ContractEnquire