LA006-812 - New Testament Greek B
2,976 Standard Tuition Fee
12Credit Points
0.125 EFT
8AQF level
Category developing unitB
languagesUnit Discipline
LA005Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, students willA. Know and understand
- Demonstrate an Advanced technical knowledge and understanding of Koine Greek grammar and syntax
- Develop a highly competent Analytical perspective and clear understanding of the essential features of Koine Greek grammar and syntax.
B. Be able to
- Utilise and work towards a mastery of Foundational paradigms, constructions and vocabulary
- Translate simple blocks of Koine Greek text and Examine them grammatically, with a view to clearly explaining and analysing relevant exegetical elements of the text. E.g. approximately four chapters of Koine Greek, including one chapter containing more Advanced syntax (e.g. an epistle)
C. Be in a position to
- Beginning to read Koine Greek for oneself, applying grammatical insights to one's reading and understanding of a Koine Greek text, evaluating Greek syntactical structures, and explaining such insights to others
- Undertaking more Advanced language and translation skills - e.g. translating sentences from English into Koine Greek, offering/explaining/evaluating different possible translation options, Critically utilising the textual apparatus, diagramming sentences and paragraphs
Typical areas to be covered would include completion of a standard introduction to New Testament Greek (e.g. Duff, Stevens, Mounce).
Set Readings
This unit's indicative bibliography is currently being revised. Students should contact their home college for further details at the time of taking this unit.
Prescribed Texts:
Aland, B., K. Aland, et al (eds), The Greek New Testament (5th ed.; Stuttgart: UBS, 2016).
Nestle, E., E. Nestle, et al, Novum Testamentum Graece (27th ed.; Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1993).
Metzger, B. A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1998).
Available At
Start Date
Census Date
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Delivery Mode
Brisbane School of Theology08/07/202416/08/202407/11/2024On CampusEnquire
Brisbane School of Theology08/07/202416/08/202407/11/2024Off CampusEnquire
Christ College25/07/202430/08/202430/11/2024Off CampusEnquire
Christ College25/07/202430/08/202430/11/2024On CampusEnquire
Melbourne School of Theology22/07/202430/08/202415/11/2024On CampusEnquire
Melbourne School of Theology22/07/202430/08/202415/11/2024Off CampusEnquire
Morling College22/07/202416/08/202408/11/2024On CampusEnquire
Morling College22/07/202416/08/202408/11/2024Off CampusEnquire
Presbyterian Theological College15/07/202413/09/202429/11/2024On CampusEnquire
Presbyterian Theological College15/07/202413/09/202429/11/2024Off CampusEnquire
Queensland Theological College08/07/202416/08/202430/11/2024On CampusEnquire
Ridley College15/07/202406/08/202401/11/2024On CampusEnquire
Ridley College15/07/202406/08/202401/11/2024Off CampusEnquire
Sydney Missionary & Bible College15/07/202416/08/202425/11/2024On CampusEnquire
Trinity Theological College16/07/202416/08/202412/11/2024On CampusEnquire