Style Guidelines for DMin Units
Guidelines for DMin Units MD802 & MD803
The following section specifically refers to assessments for DMin unit codes MD802 and MD803.
The 8000 word assessment for these units is consider to be a project and follows the same procedures as MA projects. MD802 and MD803 units are grade at doctoral level. MD802 and MD803 are completed in the Research Training Pathway of the Doctor of Ministry 2012 program.
Abstracts for projects should be about 300 words in length.
Projects should be word-processed (double-spaced), single-sided, A4 format and in 12 pt Times New Roman font or equivalent. The left hand margin should be at least three centimetres wide. All pages should be numbered consecutively. Candidates should keep a copy of the essay.
Projects should keep to the set word limit within 10% variation. The word limit excludes bibliographical referencing (such as footnotes, endnotes, in text referencing), bibliography, appendices and abstract, but includes any excursuses. Bibliographic referencing must not exceed 25% of the maximum word count. No piece of work outside the word requirements will be accepted for examination.
Therefore, the 8,000 word limit +/- 10% can be up to a maximum of 8,800 words including excursuses. Maximum bibliographical word limit (not included in word count) for an 8,000 word DMin unit is 2,200 words.