Staff Publications
Martin Sutherland
Recent publications include:
Article in Refereed Journal
“Religion as an Historical Lens in Aotearoa (and Elsewhere)”, Stimulus 23/1, April 2016, 22-27.
Chapter in Book
“Patterns, Mentalités and the Possibilities for Baptist History” in Pathways and Patterns in History (edited A.R. Cross, P.J. Morden, I. M. Randall (London: Spurgeon’s College, 2015).
“The Cultural Restraint of Revival in New Zealand” at ICOBS, Manchester UK, July 2015.
“A Religious History for the Colonies? A prospectus for history with religion as an interpretative motif” at Religion’s Presence in the Past symposium, Auckland, August 2015.
Martin Sutherland and Laurie Guy An Unfolding Story: a history of Carey Baptist College (Auckland, Archer Press, 2014).
(ed) A Myth Retold: re-encountering C.S. Lewis as Theologian (Eugene, Oregon, Wipf & Stock, 2014).
Article in Refereed Journal
“Laurie Guy: a critical appreciation”, Pacific Journal of Baptist Research, May 2014, 48
“Wolfhart Pannenberg’s Trinity in Methodological Perspective”, paper to the Doing Theology in the Light of the Trinity Symposium, Laidlaw College, August 2014.
“The law of the deluded middle? The Christian Enlightenment and the need for a Civil Society” at NZ Religious History Assn Conference, Massey University Albany, November 2014.
“Walking between two worlds: Imagination and Helmut Thielicke’s Eschatological Ethics,” paper to the conference of the Systematic Theology Assn of Aotearoa New Zealand, Dunedin, November 2014.
David Bebbington and Martin Sutherland (eds) Interfaces. Baptists and Others (Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2013)
Article in Refereed Journal
“Seeking Wisdom: Towards a Christian View of Scholarship” Stimulus 19 (2) July 2012, 4-13.
Paper at Conference:
“e.g. Same Sex Marriage: Baptists and Public Theology” presented at the Systematic Theology Association Aotearoa New Zealand, December 2012
Conflict and Connection: Baptist Identity in New Zealand
Description This book is the first interpretative analysis of Baptist development in New Zealand. It engages with diaspora theory and literature to situate Baptist experience and proposes a new way of understanding the New Zealand Baptist story without merely repeating the chronological studies of the past. Key events, individuals and institutions are interpreted through the themes of conflict and connection: – forces which shape religious communities in sometimes surprising ways. As few New Zealand religious groups have been studied in this way, there are a number of ground-breaking aspects to this study. In particular, it uncovers internal and unique dynamics arising from the theological particulars of Baptists and the peculiarities of the NZ colonial setting.
Chapters in Books
‘The Sound of Silence?: Baptist Thought in Obama’s World’ in D.J. Cohen & M. Parsons (eds) Beyond 400: Exploring Baptist Futures (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2011) , 34-45.
‘Meeting for Minutes? Baptist Congregational Life in the Age of Twitter’ in D.J. Cohen & M. Parsons (eds) Beyond 400: Exploring Baptist Futures (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2011), 46-55.
‘“Baptist and Evangelical:” Changing Perceptions of Being Evangelical among New Zealand Baptists, 1926-1946’ in Tim Meadowcroft and Myk Habets (eds) Gospel, Truth and Interpretation: Evangelical Identity in Aotearoa New Zealand, Auckland: Archer Press, 2011.
‘Is an Evangelical New Zealand Contextual Theology Possible?’ in Tim Meadowcroft and Myk Habets (eds) Gospel, Truth and Interpretation: Evangelical Identity in Aotearoa New Zealand, Auckland: Archer Press, 2011.
Conference Paper
‘The Trinity as a Defensive Doctrine: retrieving Helmut Thielicke’ delivered to the Annual Conference of the Systematic Theology Association of Aotearoa/New Zealand, Auckland, December 2011.