Why Christianity is Probably True: Building the Case for a Reasoned, Moral and Relevant Faith by Brian Harris
When the New Atheists famously coined the phrase ‘There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life,’ they implicitly suggested that it was no longer reasonable to believe in God.
Brian Harris tackles three of the most common accusations made against the Christian faith, namely that Christianity is intellectually vacuous, morally suspect and experientially empty. He looks at each accusation in turn, outlining the issue in the first chapter of each section, then looking at evidence against the claim before evaluating the argument as a whole. He is clear that he is not trying to ‘prove’ that Christianity is true as he acknowledges that absolute proof is impossible in this life, and in reality there are many tough and challenging questions to be faced – whether you are a Christian believer, a believer in another faith, an agnostic or an atheist.
This book explores these questions in a rigorous but accessible way. It doesn’t offer easy, solve everything answers, but it does build a cumulative case based on reason, history and experience to suggest that God probably exists, and that the Christian understanding of God could well be valid.
About the author: Brian Harris is Principal at Vose Seminary, Perth.