The Whole Counsel of God: Why and How to Preach the Entire Bible by Tim Patrick & Andrew Reid
Expository preaching has been on the rise over the last five decades, with more and more pastors preaching through entire books of the Bible systematically. But few, if any, preachers have a long-term plan to teach every book of the Bible over a lifetime of ministry. Since the whole Bible is God’s Word to his people, all of Scripture is important for congregations to hear in order to grow as Christians. Written to make a case for the necessity of a long-term plan for preaching through the entire Bible instead of just randomly through individual books, this is not a book on how to preach, but rather on how to plan and prepare long-range preaching programs through the whole counsel of God.
About the authors:
Tim Patrick is Principal of the Bible College of South Australia (ACT college).
Andrew Reid is lead pastor at Holy Trinity Doncaster in Melbourne.