The Content and the Setting of the Gospel Tradition edited by Mark Harding and Alanna Nobbs
Mark Harding & Alanna Nobbs, The Content and the Setting of the Gospel Tradition, Eerdmans, 2010.
Bringing together the internationally recognized excellence of Macquarie University faculty — renowned for their knowledge of the New Testament’s Greco-Roman background — and the theological expertise of scholars affiliated with the Australian College of Theology, this book provides a major, integrated, and distinctively Australian contribution to the study of the content and setting of the New Testament Gospels.
Seventeen scholars here delve into the archaeology, the manuscripts, and the political, social, and religious context of the Gospels, as well as their place and use in the early churches. Even more, however, they offer in-depth, in-context examinations of Jesus’ life and ministry as recounted in the Gospels.
ACT Affiliated Contributors:
Mark Harding is a former dean of the ACT and currently the Executive Officer of ANZATS and the Council of Deans of Theology.
Evelyn Ashley was formerly Lecturer of New Testament at Vose Seminary, Perth.
Johan Ferreira is a former Principal of Brisbane School of Theology.
Greg W. Forbes is Head of Biblical Studies at Melbourne School of Theology
Theresa Yu Chui Siang Lau is Curriculum Planning Director & E-learning Campus Coordinator at Melbourne School of Theology.
Brian Powell is a former Vice-Principal of Morling College, Sydney, and continues to lecture there as an adjunct in retirement.
Ian K. Smith is the Principal of Christ College, Sydney.
Murray J. Smith is Lecturer in Biblical studies at Christ College, Sydney.
Stephen Voorwinde is a former lecturer at the Reformed Theological College, Victoria.