Tamar’s Tears: Evangelical Engagements with Feminist Old Testament Hermeneutics edited by Andrew Sloane
Andrew Sloane, Tamar’s Tears: Evangelical Engagements with Feminist Old Testament Hermeneutics, Pickwick, 2011.
Evangelical and feminist approaches to Old Testament interpretation often seem to be at odds with each other. The authors of this volume argue to the contrary: feminist and evangelical interpreters of the Old Testament can enter into a constructive dialogue that will be fruitful to both parties. They seek to illustrate this with reference to a number of texts and issues relevant to feminist Old Testament interpretation from an explicitly evangelical point of view. In so doing they raise issues that need to be addressed by both evangelical and feminist interpreters of the Old Testament, and present an invitation to faithful and fruitful reading of these portions of Scripture.
About the editor: Andrew Sloane is Lecturer in Old Testament and Christian Thought and Director of Postgraduate Studies, Morling College, Sydney.