Divine Honours for the Caesars: The First Christians’ Responses by Bruce Winter
Bruce Winter, Divine Honours for the Caesars: The First Christians’ Responses, Eerdmans, 2015.
Though the first century a.d. saw the striking rise and expansion of Christianity throughout the vast Roman Empire, ancient historians have shown that an even stronger imperial cult spread far more rapidly at the same time. How did the early Jesus-followers cope with the all-pervasive culture of emperor worship?
This authoritative study by Bruce Winter explores the varied responses of first-century Christians to imperial requirements to render divine honours to the Caesars. Winter first examines the significant primary evidence of emperor worship, particularly analysing numerous inscriptions in public places and temples that attributed divine titles to the emperors, and he then looks at specific New Testament evidence in light of his findings
About the author: Bruce Winter is a former Queensland Theological College Principal and is now Emeritus Professor of New Testament Context there.