Challenging Islamic Traditions Searching Questions about the Hadith from a Christian Perspective by Bernie Power
Bernie Power, Challenging Islamic Traditions Searching Questions about the Hadith from a Christian Perspective, William Carey Library, 2016.
The Hadith are Islam’s most influential texts after the Qur’an. They outline in detail what the Qur’an often leaves unsaid. The Hadith are a foundation for Islamic law and theology and a key to understanding the worldview of Islam and why many Muslims do the things they do. This book subjects the Hadith to a critical analysis from a biblical perspective. In a scholarly and respectful way, it exposes significant inconsistencies within these ancient documents and highlights potential problems with the Muslim-Christian interface.
About the author: Dr Bernie Power is lecturer in Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations at Melbourne School of Theology. Bernie’s area of expertise is in the comparative study of Islam and Christianity. He lectures on the life of Muhammad, the Qur’an, the Hadith, Apologetics, and Christian Ministry in Islamic contexts.