ACT MONOGRAPH SERIES Making the Word of God Fully Known: Essays on Church, Culture, and Mission in Honor of Archbishop Philip Freier, edited by Paul A. Barker & Bradly S. Billings
Making the Word of God Fully Known is a collection of essays on church, culture, and mission relevant for the Australian church in honor of the sixty-fifth birthday of Archbishop Philip Freier, archbishop of Melbourne. The essays cover aspects of mission strategy, ministry of women, ministry to Australian indigenous people, responding to past history of child sexual abuse, and issues of liturgy and ecclesiology. The target is Australian ministers and laypeople. The essays largely come from Melbourne, a richly diverse Anglican diocese and reflect the priorities and strategies of Archbishop Freier’s thirteen years as archbishop.
About the editors:
Paul A. Barker and Bradly Billings are assistant bishops in the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne, Australia.
Other ACT Contributors:
Peter Adam, former Principal of Ridley College, Melbourne
Len Firth, Lecturer, Ridley College, Melbourne
Brian Rosner, Principal, Ridley College, Melbourne
Richard Trist, Senior Lecturer in Pastoral Theology, Melbourne